It’s Winter in Canada, and That Means Snow. So What?

So what? Well, that depends on a couple of factors.

Okay, so it’s posture Thursday, the day when I tell a story about how posture correction helped with some other aspect of my life.

Well, just last week we had a lovely snowfall, followed by a brief warm up and some rain, making the snow sticky, and heavy. That warm up and the rain, added to already wet and heavy snow, would be the factors I mentioned.

For the most part this is never a problem for me because

  1. I usually make my boys do the shovelling
  2. For heavy snowfalls, we usually go out and shovel during the snowfall. Because we shovel two or three times, it’s never really deep.

And, sure enough we did that this time, but for whatever reason, the city didn’t plow the snow until after the rain. The heap blocking my driveway was significant, and there was no way I was going to make my boys do that one.

Nope, that mess was a problem for Ol’ Andrew, and out I went.

It was sticky, heavy, and packed pretty hard; not an easy job to do, but I did it.

In years gone by, that type of job was an invitation for a sore back, a day of rest, and two days of recovery. Now? Meh, cleaned up the mess and went about life as if nothing had happened.

Using the exercises and principles I’ve been describing on Posture Mondays has given my poor, abused old carcase a whole new lease on life. It could do the same for you, if you let it.