Since I Have to Fill the Empty Spaces, I Take Advantage of Them

If you need to get something done, ask a busy man.


My father is a busy man. The first time I saw him use his cottage to relax was the last summer before he sold it.

He was 87 years old.

I guess I was just born to work.


As 60 approaches, my brothers and sisters are  planning for retirement. More than saving, actually planning. As in, when to retire, and what to do with the freed up time. Dad and I were watching one such conversation when our eyes met, he shrugged and expressed the sentiment above.

He was 88 years old. Now he’s 90, and just renewed his license for another year.

And then do what?

Ray Charles, when asked if here were ever going to retire.

I don’t “get” retirement. The notion of just…stopping is puzzling to me. I always ask “and then do what?”

I get not liking your job enough to do it until you die. I get wanting to quite the office grind, to get off the hamster wheel. But, then what?

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.

One of my problems with depression stems from the empty spaces, the gaps my personal demon exploits. One strategy to keep the demon at bay is keeping busy, filling the gaps.

It’s better to fill it with something useful. For example, instead of listening to music on my daily walk, I listen to trainings; interviews with copywriting and marketing masters. My most recent project is the audio version of Mike Kim’s You Are the Brand.

Retire? Just…stop? Give the devil free rein with my depression?

I think not.