I’ve blatted on, at great length, about the hazards of poor posture. But who am I? Just some desk jockey, in a totally unrelated field, who had bad posture (and…
Category: <span>health</span>
I don’t have a long commute. On a normal day my morning drive is 25 minutes (including delivering kid 1 to school) and my drive home is 20 minutes. Half…
Last year I began to transition this little blog out of being all about posture to being about posture, fitness, health and wellbeing. For my seven regular readers, fret not.…
Socrates expounded on the superiority of knowledge over true opinion. Now, I’m not giving you a 3rd year philosophy lection here, so I’ll sum up. you can be told something…
Last time when I wrote about stressing the creation of systems over the setting of goals. Why? Well, for the long answer read the link. Short answer, with a system…