This little blog has covered a lot of ground over the years, and through its evolution I’ve written on a wide variety of topics. One single thing underpins them all.
Tag: <span>success</span>
One of the things that has occurred down the years here at is a continuous development, an evolution, in the things that interest me and that I write about.…
One of the key properties all successful people have is discipline. Last week I mentioned a hockey player who took hundreds of slapshots every day through the off season because…
Lately, I’ve been riffing off of Rudyard Kipling’s monumental poem, “If,” both in the context of pushing through tough times, and in the context of it being a roadmap for…
If you can fill the unforgiving minute With 60 seconds worth of distance run Rudyard Kipling, “If” Lately, I’ve been riffing off of Rudyard Kipling’s monumental poem, “If,” both in…