Tag: <span>Bikram Yoga</span>

Yesterday I wrote, again, about ditching the gym in favour of a home workout concluding; sure, on the condition that you know what you’re doing. Why the condition? Because there…

Back Pain Bikram Yoga Exercise Yoga For Posture

Richard Kiyasaki wrote about two dads in Rich Dad, Poor Dad and how the lessons learned from them shaped his life. Today I write about an angry father, and a…

Bikram Yoga Exercise health Yoga

Bikram Yoga Exercise health Yoga

I’ve been hammering away at commitment. Telling you not to wait for inspiration or motivation, but to commit and to just show up. One of our problems is that we’re…

Bikram Yoga Exercise health

A little while back I made the ridiculous claim that exercise can make you younger. Now, not being a complete fool I knew I couldn’t make such an outrageous claim…

Bikram Yoga Exercise health