I wrote a little bit on keeping thin. Imma expand on that later, but one thing I’ve noted over the last month…my daily calorie burn is around 3000. And this…
Category: <span>Exercise</span>
So, my wife gave me a Fitbit for Christmas. I don’t think she was low jacking me, she was just doing what she does; being just about the best, most…
Bonus points for getting that reference. Hint, it’s about back pain. Come to think of it, so is this. Last time I spilled a few pixels talking about acute lumbar…
Yesterday when I was riffing on Thanksgiving, and gratitude, I mentioned that I arrived to work, logged on to my computer, looked at my screen, and had absolutely no idea…
Friend of the blog Aubin, who got me to thinking and writing about tea, had a great suggestion; write about diet, and exercise, and partners. Now, his suggestion was that…