Author: <span>Andrew</span>

No. Not like that, I mean injuring them. Get your minds out of the gutter. Anyway, yesterday I wrote about yoga as a resistance exercise, and how I gained 20…

Exercise Hot Yoga Pain Sports Injuries Strength

Today I’m going to wander off my usual topics of pain, mobility and posture and talk about yoga as a resistance exercise. Eventually it will tie back into pain and…

Ashtanga Yoga Bikram Yoga Exercise Strength

Yesterday I was yammering on about how my yoga journey affected my hockey game. Along the way I referred to a few of the non-hockey, exercise related, benefits I gained…

Bikram Yoga Exercise Hot Yoga Yoga

Yesterday I talked a bunch about middle age, pain, yoga and sports, and I might have mentioned hockey in there somewhere. Well, hockey and I have had a weird relationship.…

Bikram Yoga Hot Yoga Pain Posture Yoga

I’ve been working on a little something using ClickFunnels. As a part of that, I’m returning to the beginning in today’s post. Bear with me, it will get interesting again…

Back Pain Hot Yoga Posture Yoga