Tag: <span>Yoga</span>

I’ve written much lately about showing up and making a change. It really is as simple as, “Make a schedule, and just show up,” but change is hard, which makes…

Exercise health Strength Yoga

health Nutrition Yoga

Last week I told an (I hope) amusing little story about dancing with my youngest. This week, lets talk about…gardening. I love my flower gardens, in particular my roses, but…

Back Pain Exercise Posture Yoga

Yesterday I wrote a little more on ditching the gym. Personally, I think that for workouts where you actually need instruction, it’s better to go to the gym and take…

Bikram Yoga Yoga

Yesterday I wrote, again, about ditching the gym in favour of a home workout concluding; sure, on the condition that you know what you’re doing. Why the condition? Because there…

Back Pain Bikram Yoga Exercise Yoga For Posture