Now that I’ve documented the process of getting my back and posture maintenance yoga routine back to normal, I think it’s time to let it drop. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s the end.
Tag: <span>Yoga</span>
My path to ramping my posture and back pain yoga routine back to normal hit a snag yesterday. We had 9 inches of global warming and a school snow day get in my way.
Sunday the weather warmed up a bit, so it was pond hockey day. Darned if the boys’ personalities all came through in their individual approaches do delayed onset muscle soreness.
I’ve offered both the advice to lean into the pain, and to go easy to avoid it. On the same day, no less. Contradictory? Not necessarily
I remember back about a million years ago, I first dipped my toe into the martial arts taking Tae Kwon Do. Some time into this adventure, a couple of my…