When I first set out on this journey, I saw myself as the posture guy. Heck, I even made a little pun out that for my website name. But as…
Tag: <span>Posture</span>
New car smell is overrated. Keep your old car running. I saw that on an auto repair shop’s billboard, on my way home Friday. Seeing it rather tickled me, because…
Okay, we’ve done the primary back muscles with Baby Cobra. We’ve done the butt muscles with Bridge. We’ve gone twice ‘round on the core with Dead Bug and some tougher…
Wait, wut? Sleep your way to good posture? Absolutely, just follow along. Wait, wut? Sleep your way to good posture? Absolutely, just follow along. It’s posture Thursday now, wherein I…
It’s posture Monday, wherein I normally give a step by step breakdown of a posture or exercise I have found useful in helping to improve some component of proper posture.…